Friday, February 10, 2017

Apocalypse Girls Sketches

Oh! Cool! It's been like, two months since I've posted anything.  Good job Rew.
Alrighty. Well, let's get back to biz.  Doodles!

Some expression drawings from the Apocalypse Girls.  War, Conquest, and Death.  I haven't included Famine, because I have a bunch of drawings for her, but they are kind of a mess.  So, I'll be making a post just for her.

And here's some splashy pages of poses and stuff.  More Apocalypse Girls characters.  Mostly Conquest (on the top page), and some more with Death (on the bottom page).

Dude, I dunno.  I'll try and not be such a hot mess with posting.  But I say that every time, so who the hell knows.  Anyway.  See ya.

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