Friday, August 5, 2016

Toons and Sketchies

I don' know why it's pink.

It's still fun.  And fun to make.  I'm going to keep making little violent scribbles, so more to come.

Here's a few randos too.  One of Charlie, my chief Gearhead/robot mechanic.  A sketch of a skeleton knight I drew at a bar.  Cheers.  And a dangerous mermaid with the sword she found in a shipwreck and 'fixed'.  Also drawn at a bar.  The same bar.  Hooray beer.

These last drawings are all of the second of the Apocalypse Girls.  War is her name (I think.  Might make it her title, and give her a different name.  Either way, working title), and she loves her sword, and hitting things with it.  It looks old and busted, but it is magical.  It will never break and always cuts, so appearances are deceiving.

That's it for now.  Thanks and take care or somthin.

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