Alrighty then. Here's a bunch of my drawings that have been lurking in the book waiting for me to scan and show. These are mostly brainstorming and development stuff for my Gearheads. Trying to figure out what I want the other members of the crew to look like. ALL SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Their characters and stories are still in flux as I spend more time thinking about them, and also the world they live in. I'm still developing the society and deciding what influences I want to draw from. Figuring that out will play a part in the design of all this stuff.
These next ones are a bunch of practice on random faces and expressions. I like experimenting with different styles. It's a challenge and something I want to do more of.

Another page of Sharkgirl. She really is fun and I need to cook up some more around her and animate her. The other one is Bug making a stylish exit through the bottom door of an airship, whilst leaving a couple goodbye presents for those who can't fly.
These three are somewhat related. They are mostly Sasha and Grimm, or various Norse Gods and Goddesses. Still experimenting with style on Sasha. I'll probably be going a tad more realistic in the future with her. Also, I think the smoking skull o' Grimmy would be pretty rad to put on a t-shirt.

Also, here's a cyborg demon.

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