Saturday, March 28, 2015

Some sketches

So I have a bit of a scattered mishmash of things today.  I collected some of my other sketches and put them into single page compositions. That, plus some sketches I drew when I couldn't think of anything specific to work on.

So, that's a bunch of characters pages.  And here's the rando sketches.  Inky skull dude, Grim Isaac, I drew cuz I was kinda frustrated and couldn't think of anything.  Same for Bug.  If I can't think of anything, irate pixie girl is one of my go to peeps to draw.  The one with the dragon snake thingy was fun.  And the sci-fi mechanic with the exoskeleton, has an arm on the back that can use different attachments, or hold heavy tools and stuff.  I'll probably work on that more.  It'll be a cool rig.  The last one, the duelist, I'll probably do an update when I get more done on this one.

Ok, bye.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Shark Girl and misc.

Oh hi! Fancy meeting you here!  Been on a cartoon kick for a bit now, and check the newest stuff.  Did some random faces, and then did a full character.

The character was really fun so I just kept going with her.  Shark girl! Cuz, you know, I'm so good with names.

Adding the captions is always fun too.  I want to do more animations in the future, and she will be a fun one to try.  Swimming around will be a big challenge.

Ok bye!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Today's Drawing Dump

Yo! Here are some drawings.  These are the ones that I'm willing to post, because they aren't just scribbly brainstormy nonsense, with notes written all over.  I've got a few pages like that, but they are for me.  It would be like showing half of an unfinished blueprint with coffee stains and corrections scribbled in crayon all over it and expecting anyone to see what I'm trying to build.  Maybe I'll post some of them later when they can be classified as progress pictures, but I need to get somewhere before I can tell you how I got there.

Enough ranting. Pictures!

In other news. I got an Instagram account!  I don't have much up yet, and it's only going to be drawings.  No pictures of food with that filter that makes it look like it was taken in the 60's, or sunrises of crap like that.  Just instant gratification of  sharing my doodles as soon as they're done.  Search for wolskiddens.  These first two pics are up there, but these are better resolution scanned versions.  They were also drawn on a water wrinkled old pocket notebook.  That's why they look kinda weird.

These one's were in my sketchbook.  The one with the elfy girls, I never finished the one with the bow.  Probably won't.  Never got around to clothes.  I was mostly trying to figure out the shadows on her arm.  The other page is a very hit or miss cartoon experiment. Some good, some bleegh.  I want to do more cartoon type drawings, with characters stylized to varying degrees.  Really cartoony characters are not something I have a lot of practice with and I want to get better, so you will be seeing more experiment pages like this one.

Well, the ratio of words to pics today is a little too talky.

Next time:  less talk more rock.