Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Hello friends, so here's some fun drawings.  Same character all around.  We call her Bug.  Mostly cuz she has has insect wings. We called her that as a placeholder and we never really came up with a real name.  I figure it's a derogatory name for members of her race and she just owned it. She hangs out with this one.  They pals.

Kind of a hot head. Couldn't find combat boots in her size so she wears extra socks under oversize head kickers.  Likes explosives, and used to be an enforcer for an alien drug cartel before going pirate.

That plus she has an affinity for electricity. She can generate static electricity with her wings and channel it through her nervous system.  Kind of a walking tazer.

Definitely one of my favorite characters.  The ones with the bad attitudes are fun.
Welp. That's all folks.  OK bye.

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