Saturday, July 30, 2016

Sketch Update

Sketch update.  I finished off two sketchbooks this week.  I keep my doodles divided.  One book for figure drawing practice and one for imagination land.  Filled up both.  Woot.  Anyway, here's some drawings from the imagination one.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Figure Drawing Time

Hello world. 

It's been a while since I posted any of my figure drawing practice pictures.  I haven't been keeping up with them as much as I would prefer, but hey, life's a busy place.  If I had it my way, I would draw all day everyday.  Anyway.  Some of these are with a 6 minute timer, some with 11 minutes.  

Thanks go to for the reference photos.

The Rew sighing off.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Apocalypse Girls Youngest Sister

Hey.  So I drew one of the Apocalypse Girls a bunch.  If you don't know the concept, I re-imagined the four horsemen of the Apocalypse as cartoon girls.  They four sisters, the daughters of a king, and go on adventures across the world of myth.  I've been drawing them for a while, and their designs are evolving.  I have a hard time getting consistent designs.  They are a touch different all the damn time.  Kind of frustrating.  So, I've started making notes on details to retain for each character and trying to build a design "book" to stick to.  I'm sure they will evolve and change over time anyway, as I try to settle on the stylistic direction I want to take them.  Yeah, and sometimes I go back and look at earlier drawings I did of the characters, and realize that I had it right the first time and freaking forgot what they look like! So making specific references for my own characters, and sticking to those details.  Not something I'm good at, but super important.  STAY ON MODEL.  Or rather Establish the model clearly first.

Anywho, rant complete.  Picture time.  Here I have a bunch of drawings of Death.  The youngest of the four sisters.

Ok Bye