Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Mechanic and Valhalla girl

Hey guys, I've been cooking up a bit of back story for the mechanic. I even gave her a real name!  First Sargent Charlotte (Charlie) Jackson.  Aka Gears/Sarge/Boss or Queen bitch of the grease monkeys.  She spent some time in the trenches before the higher ups finally figured out she was a talented machinist, and moved her to the armored fleet.  Since she's so short, while in infantry, she got stuck as a tunnel rat, and would be sent into mines and tunnels that got dug under opposing trench lines.

Also some doodles of Sasha (Valhalla Girl).

Monday, January 19, 2015

Some of my favorite characters

Hey dudes.  Here are some more drawings cuz, ya know, that's what I do n' stuff.  There are a couple that are some characters I've been drawing since high school. The dame with the dreadlocks we call Shade.  She's the one in the digital ninja post.  The other one we call Bug, mostly cuz we never thought up a name beyond the placeholder, and we just kinda kept using it.

This one was fun.  I didn't really have any ideas that day. Then this popped into my head.

So I made my own version.

 That's all for now friends. Catch you on the flipside.